COVID-19 Message from Link Vision CEO

Message from Link Vision CEO Terry O’Neill on Coronavirus COVID-19

With the situation with COVID-19 intensifying daily, it is important that we at Link Vision play our part and ensure that our workplaces are as safe for Staff, Volunteers, and members of the General Public as possible.

To this point we have:

  • Developed a Link Vision Protocol for the virus and distributed to all members and staff
  • Developed messaging to go onto offices and shop entrances
  • Kept all Team Members and the Public updated as events unfold

We have also thought about protecting our people from the (unlikely) event of contracting the virus through either collections from households, businesses or through people donating goods in-store.

Effective immediately, all staff who are customer facing or taking enquiries by phone or email, will be asking all donors:

“Do you have flu like symptoms, or have you recently returned from countries with travel restrictions?”

If the answer is yes to either part of the question, the answer will be thanks, but no thanks.

In the (unlikely) event of donations containing the virus, similarly those purchasing goods from a Link Vision store are advised to wash or dryclean clothing and other soft goods, disinfect toys, shoes and furniture, and of course wash their hands thoroughly.

It is the overwhelming generosity of Queenslanders which enables Link Vision to continue its charitable work assisting people with Low or No Vision. We sincerely thank those who support us. We need your quality donations.

I must emphasize that we are open for business as usual and are taking the advice of the World Health Organisation and Australian authorities on a regular basis.

You are welcome at Link Vision Local Op Shops!

Terry O’Neill
Chief Executive Officer

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